New York Comic Con System Tech

This year was the first time I graduated from C2E2 To New York Comic Con. I was the system tech for a 5.1 system we put in the Empire Ballroom. We needed a 5.1 system because we premiered the first episode of a new show called the Winchesters and the new Violent Night movie. We had 6 hangs of JBL VTX, Left Right Center and Delay LRC. And then 6 more hangs of DB T8’s for side surround hangs. We Dante’d almost every source and destination too.

Show went pretty well besides putting a couple amps in safe mode in the center channel. The A1 was getting all kinds of notes from the Hollywood producers wanting their speech to be turned up in the mix, but because it was buried in the mix we just kept slamming the center channel hotter and hotter. Eventually the amps/speakers said they needed a break. Luckily, we only lost the top center boxes briefly, and that only happened during sound check when we were blasting the trailers over and over again.

Got to hand Jack Black, Patrick Stewart, and Drew Barrymore their mic which I remained an utmost professional, even though I was freaking about a bit on the inside. Overall a really cool experience. Can’t wait to do it again next year.